Underground exploration and mine appreciation

Aditnow – Mine exploration and Mining History
Mine exploration and mining history website and discussion forum including a searchable database of UK and international mines and quarries and facility for members to upload photographs and trip reports

Carn-Brea Mining Society
The Carn-Brea Mining Society was formed in 1974 to encourage the study of all aspects of mining, geology and mineralogy in the South West of England.

Caves and Caving in the UK
Pages run by Andrew Brooks on underground exploration, including lists or organisations.

Cumbria Amenity Trust Mining History Society (CATMHS)
The Society is interested in historical industrial sites with an emphasis on mining remains above and below ground. It is actively involved with the exploration of these sites.

Mine Explorer Society
The Society is a group of friends that have been exploring abandoned mines since the 1980’s, especially in Nenthead in Cumbria on Alston Moor. This web site is all about their exploration, including some basic history of the mines

Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland (Iontaobh Oidhreacht na Mianad Mianadóireachta)
Founded in 1996 to develop public awareness, appreciation, conservation and enjoyment of all facets of mining heritage throughout Ireland

Nenthead Mines
Nenthead Mines is an important historic place at Nenthead, near Alston, in Cumbria, UK.  This remote valley is covered by remains from the lead and zinc mining industry of the North Pennines, including mine entrances, dumps and old buildings.  The conserved buildings on the site include a small museum and interpretation display and there is a network of paths and trackways.  Carrs Mine is an old lead and zinc mine which is open to visitors on special days.

Peak District Mines Historical Society
All aspects of mine appreciation in the English Peak District

Website covering man made underground objects, artificial cavities, mines, quarries, tunnels.

Welsh Mines Society (Cymdeithas Mwyngloddiau Cymru)
A society of Welsh mines enthusiasts.

Underground Miners
The official website of the US Abandoned Mine Research, Inc. specializing in mine equipment restoration and underground photography.

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