Arthur Walker

Arthur Walker was manager at Prudhoe Colliery in the 1920s and then at Watergate Colliery, Whickham. In 1930 he was appointed as full time investigator to a NEIMME committee concerned with reducing accidents caused by roof falls. The Committee produced reports in the Transactions over a number of years and Walker also gave lectures on its work. In 1939 he was seconded to the staff of the Director of Mining Supplies for the duration of World War 2. He was President of the Institute from 1946-48.

Some publications:

Alder, H., Potts, S.W & Walker, A. Mechanized room and pillar mining: a general appreciation of developments in Great Britain Transactions – Institution of Mining Engineers 110 1950-51, 729-740

Alder, H., Walker, A. & Walker, L. Subsidence and its bearing on mining methods Transactions – Institution of Mining Engineers 102 1942-43 302-32

Walker, A. Presidential address Transactions – Institution of Mining Engineers 106 1946-47, 178-185

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