Frederick Peter Mills

Frederick Mills was born in Nantwich, Cheshire in 1888 and educated at Wigan Mining College. He began work in 1904 at Pearson & Knowles Coal & Iron Co., Wigan, and was assistant to General Manager to the same company.

He gained his Certificate of Management in 1912 and from 1913 was Chief Officer of the Durham & Northumberland Collieries Fire and Rescue Brigade and its successor body within the National Coal Board. He designed a mines rescue vehicle based on the Leyland Terrier and known as the Mills Tank, first produced in 1931. Some also saw service with Northumberland County Fire Brigade into the 1960s.

Mills became a Member of NEIMME in 1916 and was President in 1936-37. From 1939 he was the Institute’s Honorary Secretary.

He was a Vice-President and Member of Council of the Institution of Mining Engineers, President of the Institution of Fire Engineers and President of the North of England Branch of the National Association of Colliery Managers.

Bulman, H. F. & Mills, F.P. Mine rescue work and organization. 1921.
Mills, F.P. Presidential address Transactions – Institution of Mining Engineers 92, 1936-7, 154
Mills, F.P. Air raid precautions at collieries Transactions – Institution of Mining Engineers 93, 1937, 205

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