George Raw

George Raw obtained his Certificates of Management in 1910 and 1912 and became Manager at Plenmeller Colliery, Northumberland in 1914. Later he was Manager, Usworth Colliery, Co.Durham from 1918-23, Agent for South Hetton Coal Company and Leverson’s Wallsend Collieries Ltd and General Manager of Newbiggin Colliery Co. Ltd.

He was a partner in Forster Raw & Co, mining engineers.

He also was a director of Weardale Coal & Coke Company,  South Hetton Coal Company and Easington Coal Company.

He became a member of NEIMME in 1914 and was President in 1938-39.
He was also active in the Association of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and was their President in 1924-5.

Selected publications:
Raw, G. Notes on the overhead Koepe winding plant at the Murton Colliery of the South Hetton Coal Co, Ltd,Co.Durham Transactions – Institution of Mining Engineers 73 1927, 380

Raw, G. & Ridley, F.F. The response of coal cleaning practice to the demands of modern mining Transactions – Institution of Mining Engineers 90 1935—6, 9

Raw, G. Presidential address Transactions – Institution of Mining Engineers 96 1938-9, 180

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