Herbert Youngs Robinson

Herbert Youngs Robinson was born in Morpeth, Northumberland in 1915 and was apprenticed at the Ashington Coal Co. in 1933.
In 1941 he became a lecturer in mining at the Ashington and Seaton Delaval mining schools. In 1943 he was appointed as a lecturer at Kings College, Durham University, being promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1949.

He gained an MSc from Durham University in 1948 for a thesis entitled The examination and suggested treatment for the concentration of fluorspar ore mined in County Durham. He had published articles in the fields of mine surveying, metalliferous mining, coal preparation, ore dressing and mining engineering.

He was active in the Associates and Studentsā€˜ Section of NEIMME, being President in 1951-3 and was President of NEIMME in 1966-67

He was also a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and a founder member of the Coal Preparation Society.

Robinson died in 1983.

Some publications:

Robinson, H.Y. Presidential address [NEIMME] The industry, the Institute and the University Mining Engineer 126 1966-67, 489-492

Robinson, H.Y. Fluorspar-galena ore concentrationĀ Mine and Quarry Engineering 22 1956, 462-470

Osborne, D.G. and Robinson, H.Y. Effective filtration of shale slurries using rotary vacuum filters Filtration and Separation 9 1972

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