Robert Williams b.1900

Robert Williams was born in 1900. He obtained a degree in mining from Durham University and his early mining experience included lead and tin mines and he also worked overseas. However, his career was otherwise in the Durham Coalfield particularly, as Manager of Usworth Colliery and later others belonging to the Washington Coal Co. In NCB days he was an Assistant Agent, Assistant to the Area General Manger and at his retirement in 1962 was Durham Divisional Mining Engineer.

He was NEIMME President in 1955-56.

As a student he was awarded the G.C.Greenwell Medal in 1925 for “A survey of a mining field with special reference to metalliferous mines”

He was involved with the National Association of Colliery Managers for many years, including being national President.

Some publications

Williams, R, Jeffery, W & Taylor, A. Outbursts of gas from the floor of coal-seams Part 1 Transactions – Institution of Mining Engineers 103 1943-44, 592-618; Part 2 104 1944-45, 317-334.

Williams, R. Past achievement and the challenge of the future [Presidential address NEIMME] Mining Engineer 116 1955-56, 91-95.

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