Johnson Collection

John-2-43 adjusted 750pxNEIMME/John/2/43. Report re the current state and future prospects for Throckley Colliery to assess the profitability of taking a new lease, by George Johnson, 1 Sept 1784.


Main content:

Copy deeds and leases, relating to the properties of Lord and Lady Windsor and others at Lanchester Fell, Tanfield, Newcastle and elsewhere, 1717 – 1773.

Copy reports, estimates and letters of George Johnson and others relating to collieries in Northumberland, Durham and Scotland, 1738 – 1795

Colliery journal of John Watson, 1750 – 1755, with notes on current workings and details of each visit, refers particularly to collieries in the Lanchester and Pontop and Gosforth and Longbenton areas. Containing detailed reports of the sinking and working of Willington, Tynemouth Moor and Throckley Collieries, 1774 – 1777 and pay bills for East and Little Benton, 1784 – 1786

Copy agreements and leases re Heaton, Spanish Closes and Little Benton, 1790 – 1805 and loose papers re Charlaw, 1836 and Ecton Copper Mines, 1847 – 1848

Copy leases of Heaton and Benton Collieries, relating mainly to leases aquired by Robert Johnson, George Johnson and James Potts, 1820 – 1832

Copy leases, agreements, letters and accounts relating to Killingworth Colliery, 1801 – 1848

Reports, estimates and copy letters of George Johnson and others and copy minutes of the Coal Trade Committee re the regulation of the vend, 1827 – 1843

Copy letters, valuations and reports of George Johnson and others, 1834 – 1851

Reports and estimates of costs and boring reports re Willington, Fawdon and other collieries, mainly 1814 – 1821 with a boring report 1746

Details of sections of strata and boring reports, various collieries, 1739 – 1854



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