Reports and Memoranda Books

NRO 3410 ZB-24 [p066] 500px

NEIMME/ZB/24/66.  William Pit, Whitehaven, rotative machine. c.1808


A miscellaneous collection comprising:

Memoranda books, journals, notebooks from Robert Oliver (steward to Lord Londonderry), William Oliver, John Shiel, William Thomas, William Braidford about collieries in the Tyneside area and reports by John Bateman Longmire on collieries in Cumberland. (Coverage c.1780-1890)

Three unattributed files labelled Reports and Valuations containing original and copy colliery reports. 1795-1893

Reports compiled for the renewal of leases and abstracts of leases of minerals held by the Bishop of Durham. Many of the reports were compiled by Nicholas Wood, 1839 – 1870

Reports and plans, including Welsh Collieries, 1873 – 1896

Reports re collieries and technical processes, including collieries in Yorkshire, Scotland and Wales, 1878, but mainly undated.

Details of wages and establishment at Felling Colliery, 1896


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