Joint Lectures and Events

The Institute collaborates with other learned and professional organisations to provide a range of joint lectures and events in addition to those organised for its core membership. The Institute has a long history of collaborating with other organisations and welcomes applications for ‘associated society’ status from interested Groups, Societies, and Institutes who share similar aims and objectives. For more information and to become a corresponding society with the Institute see our ‘Corresponding Societies’ page.

The Geological Society of London
The Geological Society is the oldest national geological society in the world and has a fellowship of over 12,000. The links between the Institute and the Society stretch back to the 1800’s.

The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) 
IOM3 is the UK engineering institution for the whole materials cycle, from extraction to product. It promotes all aspects of materials science. The Institute was one of the founder members of IOM3 though the establishment of the Federated Institution of Mining Engineers, of which IOM3 is the successor organisation.

The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland was formed in 1876 to advance, promote and encourage the study of the science of Mineralogy, and its applications to other subjects including Petrology, Geochemistry, and Crystallography.

The Stephenson Locomotive Society (SLS)
The SLS was founded in 1909 for the study of rail transport and locomotives. The Institute regularly holds joint events with the SLS and has developed several joint publications on industrial history topics.

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